Extra study materials
If you join our one-day theory course, you will get extra study materials.
This way we make sure you will pass for sure!

3250 Practising questions
Easy way to study a certain topic.

50 Exams

Practise priority

Are you dyslexic? Then you can request extra time for your theory exam. This option is also available for the practice exams. The program also includes an option to adjust the font for dyslexia, an option to change the color settings for people with red-green color blindness and blue color blindness, and the option of audio support. This makes this theory practice platform the best in the Netherlands.
You start studying through the practice questions. After answering a question, you will immediately receive the answer. Here is a detailed explanation of why this is the right answer. So that’s how you learn. With an exam, you will not immediately get the answer, but you will see at the end whether you passed or not. Here too there is an explanation for each question.